
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It's Official - I'm Going!

I'm so excited to be one of the lucky ones. I'll be attending Sewing Summit and am no longer worried that I won't know anyone. There are familiar buddy icons popping up around flickr saying they got their ticket too.  I'm itchin' to stalk the Google Group and view everyone's profile but ugh... I'm headed out the door.  It will have to wait.  
I'm one of the Lucky Ones

 At first it seemed kind of silly when I arranged to go into work late just so that I could click the registration button when the link went live, but it wasn't.  A hundred ticket gone the first minute and completely sold out in 10 hours, oh my these are some serious folks. I'm sad for those who didn't make it in - it promises to be a great time.

A Glorious Guild

At the SBAMQG meeting last night we had our big reveal of the first Guild Challenge, the Photo Inspired quilt.  Some sneak peaks had been seen on our flickr group - like mine, because I just cannot NOT share - but they were so much better in person and there were some surprises.  The participation was great for our very first go at it.

Here are a couple stunners by Anne and Julia (not sure how to insert the picture but it's worth taking a look).

Fixed my upload problem but didn't get the best shots so I just made a mosaic. Other cameras had better luck capturing how special these were.  There's even one of me and the Hanalei Pier Quilt  I made for my friend's birthday. Hope you'll check the amazingly talented and sweet quilters in our glorious Guild.


  1. Congrats on getting your ticket for Sewing Summit. It's kind of a relief that they sold out. Now I don't have to scheme a plan to find the money. I have 1 extra family car, 2 summer vacations and 3 college tuitions to save for. Soon enough they'll be gone and then I can go. Until then, I will live vicariously through you. :-)

  2. Ohh, thank you for posting my quilt, that's really sweet! I was SO impressed by everyone's quilts!! What a great showing. We forgot to get a group picture, which makes me a little sad, but I'm not sure how we would find room for it.

    Please let me know when your camera starts cooperating. I want to make a guild blog post highlighting all the challenge quilts. :)

  3. I've given you the Liebster Blog Award! Read about it here.

  4. I just popped over from the sewing summit google groups. I'm pretty sure I have seen you on Flickr. Isn't this exciting. I was doing school work with my son and had to take a break and just stand at my computer. Welcome to blogland by the way. I'm going to check out the rest of your blog and follow you. I hope your having a fabulous day.
    January T

  5. Congratulations!!! How exciting to be able to go to the Sewing Summit!!


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