
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WIP+TNT little sleep and lots of sewing

I love my little sewing room all to myself, but really - quilting together is so much more fun!  It was such a special time this long weekend together with my SIL and her two daughters, sewing away non-stop. 

Lending a hand and sticking my nose in everyones projects was my favorite part - well maybe not, there was constant chatting, healthy gourmet food and an adorable puppy so... it was all frosting really.

My original plan was to take the WIP from two weeks ago with me finished. Well, sometimes things work out for the better because designing the overdue shams with input and being able to see the quilt again in person made much more sense. I had totally remembered the quilting thread color and loopy loop scale all wrong and would have been bummed if I'd pushed through to get them done at home before our trip.

The wedding gift is now complete and there's still a few months before their first anniversary !  Sweet Dream.  Linking Up for Ellison Lane Quilts summer sewing contest Home Decor entry.

TNT - me and my machine

My new machine and I are still getting to know each other and the upside is that the overlock stitch was the perfect finish to the inside seams. The downside is that despite trying every foot in the case, I struggled to attach the piping - a lot.  Linking up to TNT.

Retreat Advise

On the subject of gathering for a marathon quilt session, research falls under WIP, right?  It does in my mind so here's what I've been up to this week when I wasn't sitting at the machine.   Our MQG is in the planning stages of holding our first Quilt Retreat and it's so exciting.

Here are some pictures of the workspace, lodging and grounds. It was a beautiful day in the redwoods when I toured.  We may not be quite as lucky in November, but we just might be. After all, that's why we live in California :)
linking up to Lee at Freshly Pieced WIP
I'd love your help - since I've never been on a retreat before and chances are many of you have: Tell me what you like best or a bit of advise on making it a success - thanks!


  1. It does seem like things always work out for the best doesn't it?

    I've never been to a retreat either, but it seems like a beautiful venue. I guess I'd want the workspace set up in a way that allowed me to work easily with others. I once attended a class where I faced a wall the whole time--I had a blast, but wished I could have shared in everyone's progress more.

  2. Love the pillow shams... the quilt is great, but what a special extra touch!

  3. oh my - that retreat location looks great! And what lovely shams....really nice!

  4. Lovely shams! That retreat location looks gorgeous! I would love to go to California and see the redwoods one day!

  5. The shams are beautiful!! I have never tired piping before, something for me to add to my TNT list :)

  6. The shams were worth the wait!

  7. Fantastic wedding gift and before the 1st anniversary. Great! Retreat location looks wonderful and inspirational! enjoy.


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