
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Zakka Ribbon

With pressing deadlines looming I took a bit of a detour and had fun creating Fabric Ribbon.  Scrap projects alway appeal to me and I haven't been able to participate since the zakka tote and pin cushions that I made. Watching from the sidelines just isn't the same. When this project came up that seemed quite attainable and practical I went for it.

Using the left over strips of the Art Gallery from Low Volume Big 10 inch swap, Philip Jacobs floral and a mix of others I had in my stash here's what I came up with: 
Zakka Style Sew Along Ribbon
Fraying bugs me. So when I read comments about strings and various solutions I decided on the bias cut used by Linda at I finally have time and really liked her narrow 1 1/4" cut. Rather than using the pieced strips for both sides I went for one fabric pinked to avoid all those joints and so that it would yield more too.
freehand clean up of the ends

Pinking lining
One long strip= 22 ft of Ribbon!
When I make binding I don't do bias and I usually guess one too many or too few strips when I estimate how many to cut because I avoid actual quilt math to figure it ahead of time. Check out how close I guessed -love it when things work out that way.  I can see that linen would have given a nicer weight than the cotton I chose. A serous starch may be in order. 22 feet of ribbon should make for some nice wrapping!
Guessed spot on how much I'd need
The version in the book by the wonderful Melody Miller is much more attractive - how could anything made with her fabric not be, right? Maybe one day my scrap stash will have enough to make ribbon but for now it still falls under my Precious category.

Linking up with quite a variety of ribbon to LRstitched

Detour ended. Direct course to Swoon and Old Italian Block!


  1. Thanks for your comments! I just hopped over to visit your blog, and love what you did with your ribbon. At first glance I thought you had used ric rac trim. Love the pinking! I think I need to get one of those rotary "pinkers!"

  2. Good for you! Glad putting your twist on the project gave you a good outcome!

  3. I love it, and congrats on winning the giveaway for this week!


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