
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Swaps and Wins Rolling In

Happy mail is an understatement.  My Picture Perfect Polaroid blocks arrived from Debbie At the Quilter's Table and she has a fun recap on her blog. It took off like wild with over 3,000 blocks swapped and more visits to my tutorial post than all my others combined!
Piles and Piles of Polaroids
Low Volume Big 10" have all arrived and have been put to good use in a Charity Quilt - keep reading....

Modern Scrappy Bits came early, (a lovely set of coasters and strips from Cameron) but I wanted my partner to get her package before posting so here they both are:
MSB Received
MSB Sent
Lisa, Crafting Crazy Artist loved what I sent and was so sweet with her enthusiasm - sure does make for a fun secret partner.

The wonderful Double Half Yard bundle win from Miranda at One Little Minute included a set for myself and a set for a charity quilt.
Flea Market Fancy - and Dottie underfoot
I started on it at the SBAMQG Sew Day after finishing my F+F=AMSB herringbone seen here but didn't get too far.
Charity Quilt - Playing around with placement
So at home -  I kept at it. After all this was a Double Dog Dare and i love a challenge.
trying out new stitches on my machine
approx 38"x57" and growing
One more column on the left with a gray hst pointed up at the bottom and a blue hst pointed down for the middle jag. Then I will bind in FMF Seapod Stripe.

Hope you are all having a great weekend. More News Soon!


  1. oh wow - what fun mail!! Good for you!

  2. Your charity quilt is so beautiful! I am still a very happy partner. Thanks again.

  3. Love the charity quilt. The fabrics are so yummy!


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