
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

WIP - On My Way

At the airport - waiting to board
Just HAD to make a Travel Handmade

I'm here at the airport waiting to board with my new Travel Handmade - now that's better!  It just didn't seem right to arrive at Sewing Summit with just my luggage. Besides, my hubby hooked me up with his computer so that I can stay in touch and post on my blog like this - thanks honey :) Linking up to Lee at Freshly Pieced WIP Wednesday.  Another finish for FAL Q4, yippy!

I agonized over what fabrics to bring from my stash. Although we'll be shop hopping,  there's so much in my buckets that I truly love. After way too much thought and time I'm pleased with my choices.
Pre-cuts for class

Still typing without my index finger but it has healed enough to participate fully in all of my classes which was my goal.  

Traffic was a hassle over Hwy 17 but he got me here safe and sound.  Quick post to link up with WIP and I'll try to add more pictures later from the hotel when I can plug in the camera. 

Last night I got together for another sewing session to prepare for our MQG Retreat. At first it felt like one too many things to commit to but it was so much fun and just what I needed.  We made the most adorable Swag Bags and got them all done- they will remain secret until after the event.  Trust me, they're better than what I had pictured in my head.

Finished: 3
Double Bar Supernova Tote
Swag Bags for Quilt Retreat
Black/White Swap

New Projects: 4
Sewing Summit Class Prep

No Progress:
Everything Else

Happy Quilting, Karen


  1. Karen--have a great time at Sewing Summit and I love your travel bag!! Go Supernova variation!!

  2. Awesome bag! Glad you were able to fit that in! Safe travels to you too!

  3. Sweet! What a fun way to travel!

  4. I'm hanging on for every bit of news about your time at Sewing Summit. I know you'll have a great time, learn a lot, and make lots of new friends. The rest of us will be able to say "I knew her when her blog was just getting off the ground..."
    Safe travels, and enjoy yourself to the fullest!


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