
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It's 2013 : Fresh Sewing Year

Today is a special Fresh Sewing Day because it's also a Fresh New Year.
Which were YOUR favorites from 2012? Leave me a comment, I'd love to know.
Lily's Quilts
Lily's Quilts monthly linky helps me to stay on track and because I jumped on the Recap Mosaics making bandwagon (see below) this post should be easy peasy except for playing FAVORITES:

Finished Quilt:
Old Italian Block (OIB) Wedding Quilt
Runner Up: Starred Swoon

Finished Top
(my goal for a January  "A Lovely Year of Finishes")
Runner Up: Madrona Road

non-Quilty Project:
Zakka Echino Linen Tote: I use it every day
Runner Up: Double Bar Supernova SS2 Bag

Bee Block sent:
Just Passing Through
Runner Up: QCR Churndash (modified)

It's a TIE: Sewing Summit and SBA MQG Retreat
Both were amazing experiences I'll never forget
Runner Up: First Quilt Show PVQA 2/2012

New Toy:  
my Babylock Symphony (no brainer) 
Runner Up: nothing comes close

Blog Post:
Chain-piecing Polaroid Tutorial
Thousands of worldwide visitors and pinning of this pic
Runner Up: Blogger's Quilt Festival Catalyst

Fabric Win:
Huge FQ stack of Simply Color from Craft Bud
Runner Up: (super special) Melody Miller Fall Market Ruby Star 

QuiltCon Blocks
Runner Up: Photo Inspired quilt

Collaborative Asterisk Quilt
Runner Up: Secret Pillow Swap

Starting My Blog March 2012
Runner Up: Joining Facebook (a hold out no more)

2012 Highlights


  1. holy cow! what a wonderful bunch of projects! well done

  2. Ditto - so much to be proud of! Gorgeous work.

  3. So many gorgeous projects. Happy New year!

  4. Awesome finishes. Can't see what the new year will bring for you.

  5. You really got a lot accomplished last year!! My favorite is the OIB also. Happy new year!

  6. I'm so glad you started blogging last year. I am inspired with every visit!

  7. What a fun idea! I love everything that you made. Have you done a post about your new machine?

  8. You had a great year! I love what you've made.

  9. Wow! You got so much done! Can't wait to see your finishes!

  10. I really like that top that's your January Lovely Finishes goal. Best of luck completing it!

  11. Wow - what amazing mosaics of your year! I love how you had so much good stuff you had runners up on your favs!


Let me know that you stopped by - leave a comment and make my day!