
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Scrappy Trip Along - I am not immune

final eight segments ready to iron
I have a dumb phone and yet was not immune to the hashtag mania that hit a couple days ago on instagram thanks to the spill over to flickr and facebook. Looking back it was a little silly of me to think I could watch from the sidelines while the Scrappy Trip Along went viral, 560 members and climbing.
block one
Thursday night I tormented, trying to justify joining when I have deadlines that are real and WIPs stacked miles high, having just vowed a New Years re-SEW-lution to stay on track.  Adrianne's pretty controlled palette beauty shot and Stephanie's amazingly huge super scrappy tropical design wall shot were making me weak.

Friday is my day off work and I did laundry, packed up the Christmas decorations and took down the tree, went to the store... the day was almost away from me but at about 3pm it hit me - this is quilting and this is me so that means no justification is needed, I can do what I want.

I spent the afternoon/evening cutting strips and sewed four segments to mock up block one and headed for bed when I realized that I'd cross-cut one strip 2.25" instead of 2.5". I found enough to make new squares and recreated it correctly.  I'm also struggling with ironing out and keeping things straight since it isn't done until they are a six strip unit and therefore narrower than my Rowenta.
close up color combo
Fuglies got voted in (thanks for the input-John Deer tractors, Beatrice Potter bunnies and Zoo animals oh my) and I went semi-scrappy with an emphasis on bright and happy with a heavy influence green/purple/orange.   When I realized that I need at least 12 segments for the 3x4 layout more cutting took place with my bored dogs looking on.
Dottie sound asleep makes a great pillow
How about you - are you immune?

Linking up to Plum and June.


  1. I am NOT! Trying to mix wips with the tripalong, but I have a very near deadline this week! Once that's past, anything goes! ;-) (glad the fuglies got voted in...I wasn't really going to over-coordinate mine!)

  2. I love it. Just have no time to start another

  3. I thought I was immune, but gave in. I have cut some strips, but I need to finish up a project to free up my design wall. I love your dogs!!!

  4. We were warned about getting flu shots, but no on said anything about the scrappy trip along contagion!
    Yay fuglies!

  5. I'm not! I started pretty much immediately after seeing it on IG! Yours looks great!

  6. Only immune because I don't have enough fabric to do it---yet. One day.

    Glad to see that you are doing it and what a neat looking fabric combo. Have fun.

  7. "this is quilting and this is me so that means no justification is needed" Amen sister!! I'm happy you jumped in and are having fun. : )

  8. The bug hasn't bitten me yet, although I'm not sure why. The quilts you all are making are lovely! :)

  9. I felt myself weakening, but a good quilty friend talked me down from the ledge when she saw the signs that I was caving ;)

    Love the pics of the dogs. They must be great sewing company!

  10. Somehow, I am keeping strong in my attempts to be immune! But, I am thoroughly enjoying all the pictures that are showing up in abundance. They come together quick, yes??

  11. Wonder scrappiness! Love the phot of the dogs. Stopping by from p Plum and June

  12. I like the green/orange/purple influence. Love this block - scrappy always means happy in my view! Stopping by via Plum and June.

  13. I am resisting, but it's very hard, everywhere i look someone else is tripalonging, but i am still just resisting, just! : ). Visiting from P&J Monday link Up. Ange

  14. I am! But only because I am packing instead. I fully intend to dive right in come February. LOL

  15. I love the fugly fabric haha! I too was sucked into this, and I LOVE it. I love seeing the blocks everyone is creating.


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