
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Lovely Year of Finishes 2013 - Seven Successfully Linked Up !

May I present to you the six seven qualifying finishes all linked up as goals and finishes for ALYoF year long party: Tassels, Tweet Tweet Twist, Tweet Tweet Two, Cradle Set, Schoolhouse Tunic and Rip Curl and last but not least Tire Rotation.

edit: Tire Rotation was my Sept goal and I linked up in time but titled it without my name so when I searched the finished party page it couldn't be found.  Then I located this blog post celebrating the on time completion.
September ALYoF Goal
As I mentioned before xPlus was my November goal and I finished, blogged but then forgot to link up - because I was SO burned out.  Seven Eight would've been nice but I'll settle for these six seven for the FINALE Party.

Be sure to check out the ALYoF flickr group and the 2014 Goal link up.  Join in the fun and prizes and cheer one another on.


  1. Your quilts and finishes are lovely, I might be able to join this project this year too.

  2. Looks like a great year of finishes.

  3. Congratulations on 7 wonderful finishes!!!


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