
Sunday, March 16, 2014

2 year Blogiversary

Today is my 2 year Blogiversary.  I feel torn because I'm almost too busy-distracted-preoccupied to even write a post and wouldn't have thought that possible two years ago or even last year on my first anniversary.  

Maybe it's partly because my latest project is a secret so i can't show you even tho I finished last night.  It took a dozen bobbins to pull off and I'm pooped.  

And maybe because it's taken me so long to get to this point in the quilt.  I feel like "in the old days" as soon as I basted it went straight to the machine but this one sat for an entire week.  

FMQ and I still have a love hate relationship.  Quilting with a contrasting thread is terrifying because everything shows but you at least you can see what you're doing.  I tend to get sloppy and lost on blendy fabric because its so forgiving, so I'm not sure which I prefer.

And maybe because time is just flying by.  This picture of me and my baby grand girl who is now a Half Year old proves my point.  She's already sitting up by herself now. 


Here's my piece from the latest workshop last Sunday "Stitch Africa" taught by Marion Coleman .  The large aboriginal scrap was the closest I had in my stash and I added some tapa cloth and bits she brought to share.  I was really drawn to those birds. 
As I teaching artist, she was nice enough to allow photos of her work and this quilt below spoke to me as did many of her raw edge appliqué portraits.   Add this technique to my bucket list.  
Quilt by Marion Coleman
Actually, making a bucket list is on my bucket list - how out of control is that?!

Thank you for stopping by my blog and a great big thanks to those who are followers. 


  1. Well done on 2 years - I do enjoy reading :)

  2. Sounds like some good reflection going on! Maybe that is the very best reason for having a blog :o)

  3. Congrats on two years and growing skills and a grandbaby!

  4. LOTS going on for sure! CONGRATS on two years though!

  5. Happy blogiversary!! I'm working on something secret as well and man am I ready to just be done and be able to move on to something I can show! That crap is tiring. So I feel for you. Also, I can't wait for you to be able to reveal it. :D The quilting looks INCREDIBLE.

  6. Congratulations on 2 years of blogging fun!

    Your grand girl is absolutely *adorable*! You're very lucky to get to be such a wonderful part of her life!!

  7. Congratulations on two years! Great picture of you and the baby too, she's super cute.

  8. I've never tried quilting with a contrasting thread. It sounds terrifying! Congrats on your two years, but even more on that gorgeous baby girl! Just think, soon she'll be unplugging your machine and sitting on your foot pedal! Good luck!

  9. Congratulations on 2 years blogging! That quilting looks very interesting!

  10. Congratulations! Happy Anniversary!

  11. Happy Blog Birthday! I just realized that I passed my blog's third anniversary last week so I best write about that too.


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