
Sunday, March 8, 2015

QDAD@QCON, Bags gifted Bags received

 Secret swaps and surprise gifts - can't get much better than that !

You might recognize the sneak peaks on IG while making the top two bags but now I can post full reveals.   The bottom two are bags that I was gifted.  The left was made by Jerrianne received at the QDAD dinner and the right a thank you gift from my local guild for being the official unofficial photographer presented to me at our last meeting. 

Photo from Anne's IG feed
Spotted her toting her tote on the show floor 
Using the lettering logo from our Facebook group and the colors from the MQG logo, I created the reverse appliqué focal feature.  If I were to have done it totally Anne, it would be entirely of solids but I wanted to mix a bit of "me" in it too so the Echino bird fabric made the cut.
The bright colors of this floral fabric was spot on for the lining but I kept in mind who I was making it for and it didn't seem quite right.  The Riley Blake black/white was a better pairing especially since it's called "Puppy Park" as a nod to Mishka. 

Lining auditioning 
QDAD Admin's at QCON 
QDAD Swap Purse close up
The mixing of Echino and image placement was so much fun.  It felt like designing a QDAD with the dots and barcode.  I also adore the bird pocket inside and finding the perfect repeat element of the blue accent strip in my stash.  Linking up to Let's Bee Social #64 with Sew Fresh Quilts.
QDAD Swag purse pocket


Before I left for QuiltCon I was making a concentrated effort to "channel my inner Michelle Wilkie" and design with minimalism in mind.  Focusing in on the grill of the school bus spark rather than try and represent every design element I saw. 
02.13.2015 "Back to School"
Today I gave myself permission to "Skip (ahead) and Hop (back in)" rather than try and catch up.  Maybe one day I will get to revisit the sparks that I skipped, I hope so.
QDAD 03.08.2015 "Pause and Play"
Life has gotten in the way of being able to do my daily QDADs since leaving for QuiltCon.  The title hopefully says it all and the design is based on the windows and doors in the spark as well as my DVR.
QDAD 02.17.2015 "Breakfast Buffet"
I made a couple from the days that I was gone like this spark of fresh beets that I posted on 2.28.2015 titled Breakfast Buffet because I was really missing the perks of hotel living (eating).  The food was there waiting for me and all I had to do is show up! 

Thank you block and SBAMQG T-Shirt
Speaking of guild thank you gifts,  I made this block for Tina our outgoing president and also gave her one of our logo shirts. 


  1. Love the QDAD bag - is there a pattern?

    1. Carol, It is from Taylor Made Designs pattern Slouchy Bags, the same that I use for my bag and sewing a second one right in a row gave me a lot of confidence.

  2. I love my QDAD bag, thank you so much!!! <3 <3 <3 It's really awesome reading a bit more about the design process behind it. So much thought was put into it! I should have known! You're so sweet, thank you again. :D


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