
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

2015 Year in Review: part two

Growth and Loss

2013, 2014, 2015

Taking a moment to look back is bittersweet.  Time escapes me and changes take place that I didn't see coming, even though I should.  Look how big my baby grand girl has become.  Our third trip to get a Christmas tree and instead of being a snug little bundle she not only helped cut it down, but got to carry the saw.

Growing up and growing old are going to happen.  The big void in our family is the loss of our dog Dottie.  The house is quiet which says a lot considering we've got a two year old here pretty often.  Chase is adjusting to not having her around the best that he can.

I just can't seem to update my "about me" tab quite yet.  
Hugs make it better

Off Balance

There's been a noticeable decline in any new designs from me since my QDADiversary  I did manage to have two become reality - one gifted and one is a WIP.  A 2014 New Years Resolution fulfilled.

When I stopped in October with 325 designs under my belt, I didn't intend to stop.  It just happened.  There are a ton that I'm proud of and itching to sew.  The point and expectation of QDAD is not to make them all into quilts but generating more ideas to sit unfulfilled seemed counter productive and off balance.

Because of my pause I almost forgot how to use Inkscape but for our guilds retreat I managed a learn how to make our names go around the buttons.  Although I do miss being creative on my computer it seems as though I rarely sit at it anymore and use my iphone for most tasks.

I'll be needing to replace it since dropping and shattering the screen last month.  Originally fixing made sense but now the battery is really not holding up I'm just dealing with it as is until I can buy a new one.   Maybe I can figure out how to get me blog post font to all be the same when writing it on both devices - ugh. 
Shattered not broken

Wishes Granted and Received 

The big events like Quiltcon, Glamp and The Retreat were planned well in advance, their awesomeness was no surprise.   This next one took me totally by surprise. On Instagram I saw a photo of fabric that was being mailed off to a total stranger because, well just because they had wished for it.  The hashtag read:  #getyourquiltywishgranted

I got caught up in the holiday spirit with this impromptu out of the blue kind of experience that truly warms the heart and makes me grateful to be part of the online maker community.  I also rediscovered stash if for forgotten and realized I'm not very up on designers and their lines.  Next year I will participate and encourage you to. 
Wishes Granted

Thirteen wishes mailed out was going to be a one shot deal but then I kept seeing things I had in my stash to share and loved the spirit of the hashtag.  I ended up with two more trips to the post and a total of 21 (I think - I kind of lost count!) There were names I recognized, names that I didn't and even people that I'd met.  

Initially I wasn't going to post a wish for myself.  I didn't want to receive things that might just end up in a pile making me feel guilty. Then I noticed London of Liberty on the feed which I felt was way to big of an ask.  Expanded to include voile and lawn, precious squares and large chunks of prettiness from all over adorned my mailbox.
Wishes Received

Then, when I started working on my sons Parson Gray quilt (again) I remembered that I needed to buy more darks and had tracked down some for sale on etsy and forgotten to actually purchase.  Instead of placing the order I did a second Wish and received all that I need.  Although I truly do appreciate every bit big and little that arrived a special shout out to Heather in Alaska who curated a bundle for me from her stash.   Look at how generous everyone was!

Here's to hoping 2015 was a good one for you - and if not, Good Riddance!  Wishing you a wonderful 2016!


  1. This is a nice review post, thank you for sharing.

  2. A year of highs and much as I wanted to, I never got into QDAD but loved seeing all your designs.


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