
Saturday, July 12, 2014

2014 Q3 FAL - following a shut out

I have been participating in FAL since January 2012 where I linked up 3 item. Since then I seem to repeatedly bite off more than I can chew linking up two or three times that with mixed results.

2014 Q2 was my low point- Yup. Zero out of ten - my first Shut Out that I recall. 

The group is fun and Katy at The Littlest Thistle very entertaining with her Good-Bad-and-Ugly Stats keeping us on our toes.  

Returning to my roots with 3 here they are:
2014 Q3 FAL
1. Chain+Link : all the parts for the blocks are done - it's an overdue June wedding quilt
2. Michael Miller A : the top is close but I want to make it a bit larger
3. Michael Miller B : spray basted and ready to quilt and bind 

Linking up to 2014 Q3 Goal Setting Party - hope you will too.

The other revelation is that I need to improve my blog tags for searching because I couldn't find my 2012 results post.   I know that they all got finished so I guess that's what matters.


  1. Good luck Karen ;o) I purposely chose to only do A Lovely Year of Finishes because I knew I might actually be able to handle one goal per month...I get overwhelmed and distracted so easily.

  2. Good luck! I signed up for I think the first quarter, or maybe it was a monthly one? But either way, I failed. :( I did finally finish the quilt I signed up to finish, but of course it was so much later.


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