
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Like Old Times and Something New

Chain+Link Top complete

Classic porch photo shoot 
Ever since my boys were little they have had the honor (or chore depending on who you ask) of holding up my quilt tops on the front porch as soon as I finished them.  I wrote about our tradition in this Duck and Cover post shortly after starting to blog. 

Well now that they're around less frequently the classic porch shot has become less of a regular thing - sad face. Today I got lucky and caught them both, just like old times.   It feels fabulous to have made progress on the Chain+Link wedding quilt for my niece.  Training my granddaughter early, she helped hubby with the billow of the breeze. 

Destash Second Chance

Pulling scraps from the bucket - pure entertainment
I also enlisted her assistance earlier this week with my prep for tomorrow nights annual flea market at our local guild.   A few weeks back our MQG had their very first yard sale and I purged quite a bit but realized after the fact that simply put: I have a ridiculous amount of scraps.  It's hard to part with potential especially ever since making the mod mosaic quilt seen behind her on the floor.  We had to move off onto the carpet to keep our visual sanity.

Pattern Testing

Put some pre-cuts to use and broke into my precious fat eighths of Lotta Jansdotter
I'm pretty new to IG but am finding the "drop everything" immediacy of it kind of appealing.  After diligently chugging along with my other projects lately, I think I earned the detour that my afternoon took when I saw a message from @r0ssie_fmq Rossie Hutchinson that said "Pattern Testers Needed". 
Auditioning possible puss corner square scraps
Her modern mash-up #greekpluspussquilt with it's scrappiness caught my eye and captured my heart.   Sewing on whatever-I-darn-well-feel-like has always been the way I roll (hence my last post confessing to zero completions for Finish along quarter 2).  
From design wall to next to my machine stacked on my big ruler
Not sure I will carve out more time than the 4 blocks in the works but it sure has been fun. She'll be releasing a pattern August 4th available on etsy and Craftsy. 

It's Almost My Turn

Plum and June 
The hop continues so be sure to visit Plum and June for week #3 links along with a fabric giveaway.  I'll be joining in during the next round so I hope to see you back to hear all about me and my blogging and quilting tips.  Until then - happy stitching!


  1. Good to see you here and love the porch shot. Small things can be so sentimental can't they? Love that grandgirl is now a part of it all!

  2. I love the projects on your list! Also, such a cute grandbaby!

  3. Oh I'm a bit late - yay for a finish. And awesome that you got your granddaughter in on the picture taking!

  4. I'm so far behind on reading you've probably finish 10 more projects and the granddaughter is in college. LOL
    I don't want to talk about scraps. LOL I have started cutting some of them up into squares or strips depending on the size. One day I'll get some of my UFO's completed. Yikes too many.


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