To celebrate Earth Day, Janelle of TrashN2Tees launched a #TheWastedSwap and of course I just had to sign up. As soon as I browsed my partners IG feed and spotted some cute kitty fabric she had posted, I knew the thrift store treasures I'd been hoarding had found a purpose.
Both of these items were bought with repurposing in mind. I don't really do embroidery or needlepoint so when I spot handwork at the thrift store I feel kind of bad for the person who spent all that time and I'm sure had high hopes for their project. The '70's NeedlePoint as you can see below turned out "wonky". The little kitties were from a gauze type blouse and the velvet trim band on the pocket from an old pair of pants.
The cat itself I absolutely adored with the patchwork rainbow coloring, such scrappy goodness. The saying "Man's Best Friend" on the other hand was nearly cause to take it out of my cart. Having lost both of our beloved dogs recently, maybe I'm just sensitive.
Wish I'd taken a photo of the purse before cutting it apart. The tan strap that I unpicked wrapped around with a huge buckle closure shown below. You can also get a glimpse at the cool texture of the black and white.
Keeping things improv, I just used the natural curve of the lining (it was originally folded in half) and cut the table cloth to expand the size needed for the interior. 
The bottom of the bag and straps are made of leather from an old coat. It was really easy to stitch thankfully. At first I tried my usually photo shoot in the front yard by hanging it on the branches. The sun was really harsh and they turned out lousy except for capturing the lady bug, a sign of good luck.
My friend Sue and I had plans to visit the thrift store and then grad a bite. We ended up parking in a lot that we don't frequent and were surprised to see this great tile wall had been installed - the perfect photo shoot back drop.