Monday, March 25, 2013

March Bee Blocks and ALYoF link up

I'm happy to say that I will not be tardy with my March Bee Blocks like I was last month...
Scrappy Sprout for F+F2
 I accidentally created a blue birdonkey by attaching the top of a bird to the bottom of a donkey and we all got a nice big chuckle out of it at SBAMQG Sew Day.
This shot of Twisted Tweet has made several appearances on the blog but here it is again for the official  March Goal completed linky party at A Lovely Year of Finishes (ALYoF) with this link to the original post when it was all just a pile of fabric. Yeah for me!
Finished ALYoF goal for March
Moda's Tweet Tweet 
Haven't given much thought to the April goal for ALYoF link up but I suppose that I should.  My month for bee swapping is coming up and I need to run a test block to post.  I'm pretty sure I'll do the ever so popular X+ because it's been on my to do for forever.  What I haven't decided on are the parameters about fabric or color choice.  I may just go all scrappy!
teaser for After Sewing Summit secret swap
My WIP for the week is further along than this sneak shown here but I don't want to spoil the surprise for my After Sewing Summit partner. Linking up to WIP with Lee at Freshly Pieced - check out her piles of HSTs and all the other link ups.
Absolutely no progress on the sewing room redo unless you count picking up room darkening drapes to protect my fabric from light damage once they are in the open bookshelves. 

Part of the distraction was that my sister is in town and we've had gorgeous mid-70s Spring weather hanging at the beach.  I was able to present her with the surprise Sisterly Love quilt - which she loved:)
Sisterly Love hanging at the Quilt Show Feb '13
a perfect match at home on her couch
EDIT: Linking up to FAL Q1 with Leanne of She Can Quilt as one of the 6 of 7 qualifying projects done.  1) No Inherent Sense of Direction 2) Tassels 3)Driving in Circles 4) Luminosity 5) Sisterly Love also blogged here and here 6) QuiltCon CharityOriginal Goal post here
2013 FAL Q1 Goal Mosaic 
Happy Quilting.

WIP tally:

Complete: 2 or 4 depending on how you count them
Blocks for F+F2 March (blue & orange scrappy sprout 2)
Blocks for MoStash March (scrappy string X blocks 2)

Progress: 1
After Sewing Summit secret Swap (almost done)

No Progress: 2
Jigsaw in Batiks 21st B'day quilt 
Sewing Room ReDo


  1. Love your Mo-Stash blocks! Ginny will be so pleased!

  2. Great finishes! And I love the birdonkey!!

  3. These are all lovely! I especially like your scrappy sprout :)

  4. I love your blocks. The first one the scrappy one - I really like the fabric choices.

  5. You have some great fabrics there! Makes your blocks really fun. Well done;-)

  6. Yea for being caught up on swap blocks! Love those text prints you used as background on the scrappy sprout blocks. So fun.

  7. Your birdonkey is pretty funny. I vote for X+--that has been on my list forever too!

  8. All the blocks and finished are fabulous, but I really love the spout blocks. Great job!

  9. I love the bird donkey! Congratulations on another beautiful finish!

  10. Great job of finishing. Looks like you are whittling those goals down each month!


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