I had commented that the colors in my sisters quilt were sweet as candy but I had to laugh at how true it was when I set down a handful on the table next to it. The fabric line is "Love" is by Amy Butler so when I posted this photo on IG, the very clever Eileen @Luckycharm93635 commented "Amy Loves Kisses", ha ha. This is my
April ALoF 2015 linky goal.
Building the Backing |
Here's the pieced back - I sized the left over bars and alternated them with chunks of floral. The front has a lot going on and adorable polkadots (see last post) were just too busy so the pink that reads as a solid won out along with the wavy stripe that will be the binding.
trim time - or not |
An interested conversation on IG with Linda @flourishingpalms reminded me that when I first started quilting I use to attach my binding and then trim after. There is more stability to it and an accurate trim from the stitch line but I've become impatient and like the feel of a "haircut" at this stage.
View through the open door |
We had gorgeous, gorgeous weather and such a pretty view out of the workroom door. Both front and back were propped open until the sunset which comes much later than it does during our Fall Retreats.
Me & Anne |
It seems as though I hardly ever get to hang out with Anne @playcrafts anymore so the extended four day weekend to sew, laugh, eat and chat was especially fun. When I read the list of attendees I though I only knew a few but it turns out I'm just terrible at matching name with faces and recognized plenty. My SIL came too and is joining our MQG, yeah.
Tassles, my bunk quilt |
Packing which quilt gets to come along and adorn the cabin is kind of fun. Last time it was Goats Askew, the time before my girly plus quilt. On my first retreat it didn't occur to me until after to bring one.
Parts and Progress |
Finally - the long awaited quilt for my son is more than just a stack of fabric. I'll have to collect more light fabrics but I'm thrilled with the results so far. At first I wasn't sure if the directional was going to bother me but I like it up and down and side to side just fine.
Block Mock up |
Also contemplating if I'll mix other than Parson Gray into it or not. Either way, it's a
WIP Wednesday!
Sandwiched |
Plans were for a FMQ marathon to take advantage of the massive space to spread out- that didn't happen. It wasn't until towards the end but I did manage to sandwich what I came with and we're having a Sew Day soon.
Workspace |
There are a lot of foodies who are also quilters and love to cook. I however fall on the polar opposite of that stereotype which is one of the reasons all-inclusive is so appealing. Three meals a day and snacks in between are my kind of arrangments.
Fresh Guacamole |
Happy Valley Conference Center does a wonderful job with local growers and with making things from scratch. The only thing wrong with the sorbet was that it melted in the sun the day we ate on the patio and that I couldn't take a gallon of it home with me.
Cinnamon Rolls |
The fresh cinnamon rolls were available for order the last day- to entice your family to let you come back again and again when you return with a tray of them in your hands.
The next Quilt Retreat for me will be in six months at our 4th Annual MQG private event held here but if you're local and interested in attending a
Craft Retreat, check out Jen's dates for the rest of 2015.